How to manage stress at work and home

How to manage stress at work and home

Season 2, Episode 3

In this week’s episode of the Holistic Mama Speaks Podcast, Carrie Marie engages in an enlightening conversation with special guests Emanuela Visone, Michelle Vande Hey, and Kris Belfry, focusing on a topic that resonates with many: managing stress both at work and at home. Recognizing the immense pressures faced in our modern lives, Carrie Marie and her guests are here to provide you with practical tips and techniques to effectively navigate and alleviate the stress that arises from these two important domains.

Together, Carrie Marie and her guests equip you with actionable strategies that you can seamlessly integrate into your own life, enabling you to effectively manage and alleviate stress. By implementing the advice shared in this episode, you’ll gain valuable tools to navigate the pressures of work and home, fostering a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Tune in to this transformative episode of the Holistic Mama Speaks Podcast, and discover how you can proactively manage stress in both professional and personal spheres. Embrace the practical tips and techniques provided by Carrie Marie, Emanuela Visone, Michelle Vande Hey, and Kris Belfry, as you embark on a journey towards greater well-being and harmony.

Episode Trailer

About today’s guests

Emanuela Visone, Health & Life Coach , Functional Nutritionist Counselor, & Author

Emanuela’s passion for natural healing began in 2016 when she healed her sweet dog, Sonnie, from irritable bowel syndrome using a unique whole food approach. This catapulted her into wanting to share what she had discovered with other pet owners who were as lost as she was. Fast forward to 2017 she had been battling adrenal fatigue, going through premature ovaries failure at the age of 38 followed by developed a thyroid issue and a mass and nodules on it. She felt so sick for so long and no longer liked the person she was becoming. She was chronically fatigued, had body aches, joint pain, along with stubborn weight gain, irritability, and was losing her hair. It was one of the worst points in her life. Emanuela was considering going on medication, as many do when faced with a thyroid issue, but her intuition told her “No!” There is another way… a natural way. She called her mentor who, in fact, reassured her that there was a natural way to reverse what was going on with her body. She started her natural healing journey and gave herself 3 months. A month later her energy started coming back, she lost 12 pounds and was no longer able to feel lumps protruding from her throat. She knew at that point that what she was doing was working. Four months later she went to the doctor and, through another sonogram and bloodwork, they confirmed that her thyroid was back to normal and the mass and nodules had shrunk by more than half their size. She was feeling more relaxed and had lost 24 pounds at that point. This was what inspired her to start writing her book, Healing Through Nature’s Medicine, A Story of Hope.

Emanuela is on a monthly podcast that airs on NY’s 970 am radio and also streams on iHeart Radio. It’s called Conversations with Joan. She is also on her strategic team on Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life. She is a Sr. Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine, loves spending time with her family and friends, and helping people restore their health from many chronic ailments, and guiding pet owners on becoming their pets best healer, which brings her so much joy. She is also a level 2 Reiki Healer.

Visit her website at

Michelle Vande Hey, Change Advocate, Empowerment Coach, & Speaker

Michelle Vande Hey

Michelle is a certified holistic life coach and specializes in helping changemakers, advocates, and leaders to prevent and recover from over-giving and compassion fatigue through trauma sensitive yoga, meditation and mindfulness.

When Michelle isn’t working you can find her getting lost in the woods, biking to Pilates or making dance videos in her kitchen. Along with her husband and daughter, they like to live life with a sense of adventure in honor of their son that died in 2018. Adventures can be as big as traveling across the country or digging in the dirt in their own backyard. Life is meant to be lived, not just survived.

Visit her website at

Kris Beflry, Embodiment Coach

Kris Belfrey

Ever since a motor vehicle accident Kris has wanted to help people. He started out as a chiropractor, then created his own energy technique, but today he works at an even deeper level specializing in helping people release physical and emotional traumas gently, naturally, and affectively. As an Embodiment Coach he teaches people to relax their nervous system so they can create the awareness to notice and eliminate the root cause of their physical or emotional issues.

Kris a single dad of a nine year old daughter whom he relishes and enjoy every minute they have together. He enjoys being active and playing sports in his free time. His life has been filled with many ups and downs, but what he has come to learn is each event has been an opportunity to learn and grow. He’s had health issues, money problems, family ‘stuff’, even divorce, but ever since he was a kid, he’s always wanted to understand “why”. Why does the body do what it does? Why do people think or do what they do? Why are some successful and some not? This has led him to search, learn, grow, and create so many things and has transformed his life in so many positive ways. He has been in the personal development space and has been mediating for almost 20 years. He loves sharing his gifts and seeing the growth and transformation in all the people he works with.

Visit his website at

About your host

Carrie Marie Vaughn, Podcaster, Speaker, Author, Coach, & Holistic Wellness Professional

Carrie Marie is a faith-filled wife, mother of 3, and a cat mom who is very passionate about empowering moms to live a happier, healthier, more abundant life. With a wealth of experience in holistic wellness and personal development, including speaking engagements on the same stage as John C. Maxwell, she’s dedicated to sharing insights and practices that can transform your life.

In addition to hosting this Holistic Mama Speaks podcast, she is also the author of the book, Mom Mantras; The Daily Affirmation Guide for Mothers of All Kinds, and owns Building Upward, LLC, which offers holistic wellness products, coaching services, courses, and events, as well as business coaching & consulting.

In her free time, Carrie Marie enjoys being outdoors, walking, hiking, horseback riding, playing games, dancing, & spending time with family & friends, as well as crafting & DIY projects!

She’s so excited to be sharing this podcast with you, to introduce you to different holistic wellness practices, products, techniques, and more, so that you can start living a happier, healthier, more abundant life!

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